Geology and Geography - 内容 - 盛大花园小学


Geology and Geography

作者/来源:Ruben, Knick    发布时间:2023-06-07

   For Grade One, Two and Three, the purpose of the geography topic was to engage students with the relationship between people and their environments. The first subtopic tackled was the seven continents. Students became familiarized with the names and the numerous physical features of each continent. After, students drew their attention to the five oceans of the world. Students inquired as to what makes each of the oceans unique, such as the wildlife contained within. Next, we drew our attention towards bodies of water and landforms. This included but was not limited to rivers, waterfalls, canyons, and plains. Finally, students looked into natural disasters. This meant looking into the causes and effects of nature’s more destructive forms, like tornados and earthquakes. Students were then instructed to make a poster, intended to synthesize the information learned in the subtopics while also encouraging their own original thoughts in regard to them.

   For Grade 4, the first subtopic within sports was about glaciers and icebergs. We started with the glaciers and icebergs because they are very important for our world, and students need to be aware of why glaciers melting is a problem. After that topics, we discussed crystals and gemstones. We focused on the function and uses of crystals in our daily life and help the students to realize their importance. Following this, students were introduced to natural disasters. We began with volcanoes. We not only discussed how to volcanoes are made and erupt, but how they can provide some benefit to the Earth as well. The final subtopic revolved around the natural disaster of tornados. Tornados were chosen, because they are a seldom topic discussed, but growing up I experienced them firsthand many times. I used many of mine own experiences to better help the students to understand this phenomenon. We concluded the topic with a poster project meant to tie together the knowledge obtained throughout, by creating their own planet with these features.

   For Grade 5, our second major topic was also Geology, with a focus on natural disasters. The students have a learn a lot about these topics previously, so the focus of each natural disaster was a case study in the real-life impact of these disasters. The first case study was on the volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens. We started with this so the students could easily see the cause and effects of a natural disaster. Afterwards, we looked into the Japan Tsunami of 2011. This was meant for students to understand the similarities and differences two similar natural disasters. Following this, students were introduced to a natural disaster that they most likely hadn’t heard of tornados. growing up I experienced them firsthand many times. I used many of mine own experiences to better help the students to understand this phenomenon.  The final subtopic revolved around Australian Wildfires that happen every year. We focused on how this disaster can be preventable if everyone is willing to help just a little bit. For the final poster project, I had the students use their creativity to tell a story of surviving a natural disaster. Putting themselves in an imagined scenario can demonstrate the students’ knowledge obtained throughout the lessons, while expressing themselves creatively.