Where is my pencil? - 内容 - 盛大花园小学


Where is my pencil?

作者/来源:[暂无]    发布时间:2018-09-26

  2. Teacher: Sophia
  3. The lesson students have learnt was ‘Where is my pencil’. For this class teacher used ppt presentation and school book materials. The aim of this lesson was to teach students how to ask and answer questions about position of different objects.
  4. First part of the class was listening and reading comprehension. Students had to listen to the new lesson and answer questions related to it. Teacher explained the new words from the text (puzzle, bedroom, dinner) and made more examples to help students understand better. Students then role played the lesson while teacher monitored and corrected reading mistakes.
  5. In the second part of the class teacher presented the key grammar structure ‘Where is …?’, ‘It’s in …’ and then helped students to practice in pairs making similar examples.
  6. Finally, in addition to this lesson, teacher also explained to students difference between prepositions in, on and under and how to use them correctly. Different classroom object were shown to them (pencil, pen, book, pencil box, rubber, ruler…) and students were encouraged to use them to make more examples using prepositions in, on, under.